vrijdag 11 juli 2014

My favourite movie: 4- The Bridges of Madison County

Three weeks. It took me three weeks to get over that movie - emotionally.

Francesca Johnson - oh, how I love pronouncing that name with an Italian accent - is a complex woman. She loves her husband, her kids, the people in Iowa, her house, her life, she's happy. Until her husband and kids leave to a competition for a prize steer and our Franny is left alone in the house, thinking this would be just her four days, alone, nothing special, the occasion to do everything on her own tempo without the bustle from her kids. But then our beloved Robert Kincaid shows up and breathes new life into her old dreams that seemed to have faded.

But their love affair is doomed to end after these four, beautiful days. She's left the choice between her life as a mother, a wife, her responsibilities towards her kids and husband or the man making her dreams come true, someone who knows her and can transport her in thoughts to her beloved Bari, Italy. He made her rediscover herself.

Francesca's choice:

I don't want to spoil, so if you haven't seen the movie yet, STOP READING! Stop reading this immediately because I don't want to ruin this perfect movie to you.

When Francesca stared outside the window of her car, watching Robert, the love of her life and decides to let him go although all she really wants is staying with him forever, I was devastated. Yet, she couldn't have made a better choice. That scene, when her hand is clamed around the doorknob, makes the movie The Bridges of Madison County. Imagine if Francesca would have opened the door and ran into the arms of the only man she will ever love, would the film still be so close to your heart? No. Although I will scream, I will cry, I will sob every time I rediscover that she doesn't follow her heart, I don't want it to have ended any other way.

She had once made a choice, the choice to spend the rest of her days with Richard, to have kids and to build a life. She became the choices she had made and there was nothing, not even her own happiness, her own love and desire, that would change it.

"This kind of certainty comes just once a lifetime", Robert would have said. It was true, but she'd cherish their love forever.

I don't own any of the gifs.
Took them from Tumblr.

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