zondag 13 juli 2014

Julia and... Me!

Let's talk about... Julia Child, for once! The most beloved woman of the United States of America! America's sweetheart, Mrs. Child! The goddess of recipes for the serventless American cooks! Television sensation, the American cook, feeling more Fench than American. I present you: Julia Child!
What I love about this woman is her joy, her happiness, her optimism and postive look at life. Always a sunshine, making absolutely everyone fall in love with her. Her beautiful marriage with Paul Child, her love for French people and... French food.
As Meryl once said: "I really love what I do. I love acting. And I love to work, and I love food, and I love sex (laughter). And so did Julia Child. So it wasn’t that much of a stretch, it was a stretch this way (pointing up)."

Meryl Streep as Julia

Our beloved Julia had been played by our beloved Meryl - isn't that just perfect? - in the movie Julie & Julia, written and directed by my favourite writer: Nora Ephron. Not only the movie makes the butter in your heart melt because of its beautiful love romances, it makes you absolutely ... HUNGRY! Instantly you feel this urge to cook, and then of course to eat it all (by yourself!). Julie & Julia makes you hungry for more!

The height, the voice, the moves:
A deserved Oscar nomination for Streep, and I am being objective. The voice is spot on, she walked on platform shoes during the whole movie, to be taller than her co-star Stanley Tucci (Paul Child) who is actually taller than her. She also gained 15 pounds during filming but I honestly think she didn't plan to. What  did you expect, seeing  those delicious dishes in front of you, making you want to lick your screen.     A little note about the voice: for once, I know Streep's secret. I myself can do the famous Julia Child voice, the 'Bon appétit!' (to all Americans: bon appétit is written like this, not bon appetite, I'd appreciate if you'd never make this mistake again) was already inside of her. Meryl has always spoken like that, only not striking. To be Julia she just had to exagerate it. But anyway, nobody would be able to do Julia Child like she did, and that's what makes the name Meryl Streep legendary.
Something I had remarked during the film: Paul Child is ten years older than Julia, but in the movie Stanley is eleven years younger than Meryl, which makes a difference of 21 years!

Julia Child and me

I decided to bring my inner  Child out and make Julia's tarte tatin! No, excuse me, I'm not making her famous boeuf bourguignon, but if the pie turns out as I hope, I might give it a try! So during this week, I will post my way through the making of La Tarte Tatin, with pictures and explanation. I hope you give it a shot and try to make it as well! I will try not to cheat and use Julia's recipe, but I don't guarantee. ;) Since I am not a skilled cook, there's a chance that the pie turns out to be disgusting and absolutely a dishonor to Julia, I don't guarantee success either.

Anyway, never excuse yourself! Bon appétit!
(Don't have too high expectations, my pie won't turn out like this one.)

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