dinsdag 12 augustus 2014

Meryl Streep's upcoming movies!

She is called the Leading Lady of Hollywood, and I don't ask myself why. When you are a sixty-five your old actress with six upcoming movies, you are allowed to be called The Leading lady of Hollywood. She's called the greatest actress in film history, after one hundred and twenty-one awards, including the record of Golden Globe wins for an actress, Golden Globe- and Academy Award-nominations, three Oscars a number of 55 films (including only five being not so good, in my opinion) admired by all actors, going from Jennifer Lawrence, to Jack Nicholson to Bette Davis and a career lasting for almost four decades. The mysterious woman is called Meryl Streep and will be starring in six new movies. Retirement for Streep is not in sight. Meryl will stop acting when she's a hundred and fifty-three years old, no one will stop the unbeatable Streep.


There is no doubt in my mind that people actually invent new movies, new parts and new characters just to have Meryl Streep playing in their film. No doubt at all! Can you name one actress still being asked so many times as her? All actresses above fifty complain about not having a job and then you see Meryl Streep having six upcoming projects in which she will play a leading role? It's sad, that's true because actors don't have that problem, yet actresses seem to have an expiration date. But not Meryl Streep! Let's talk about.... Meryl Streep's upcoming movies! 

A grey wigged Streep in a blue suit in a science fiction movie, nobody saw it coming. The first science fiction for La Streep (aside Artificial Intelligence, but that doesn't really count). She will be playing the Chief Emder in a movie adaption of Lois Lowry's novel The Giver! Starring the amazing Jeff Bridges, Katy Holmes and (surprisingly enough) Taylor Swift's real  film debut (after Valentine's Day in which she appeared ten minutes). 


In December 2014 on Christmas Day will release... Disney's films adaption of the play.... Into The Woods! A sexy wolf Johnny Depp, Anna Kendrick, Chris Pine, Tracey Ullman, Emily Blunt and Christine Baranski (have I forgotten any Cast-members?). But above all... A rapping witch being played by Meryl Streep! Her soprano voice being heard for the first time since Mamma Mia, six years ago! 

And after Into The Woods, Meryl Streep will show her singing skills again in the movie Ricki and the Flash, in which she will play an old rock star returning to the family she left behind to make it as a rocker. She will rock, sing some Lady Gaga and play the guitar alongside Rick Springfield (!). Ricki's daughter is played by Mamie Gummer. The reason filming hasn't started is because Meryl Streep has to master the guitar; everything the band has to play, Meryl Streep has to play. Excited much? Yes. 

Meryl Streep is a feminist, we already know, and it was not a big surprise when she agreed on playing the role of Emmeline Pankhurst in Suffragette, the woman who gave her life and freedom for suffrage ! She will play alongside some great actors such as Helena Bonham Carter, Carey Mulligan and Ben Whishaw. Can you hear the Oscar bells ringing? (The academy Awards obviously aren't really important but I am still impatiently waiting for the day she will beat Katharine Hepburn.) 


The life of the greatest opera singer (in my eyes), God's voice, La Divina portrayed by Meryl Streep in the movie directed by one of my favourite directors: Mike Nichols! In Masterclass, Meryl Streep will play Maria Callas. I am not sure if she will sing, though. Meryl Streep is an opera singer and soprano, but I doubt she can do what Maria Callas can. Level of excitement on a scale of ten? Thirty thousand two hundred eighty-four! 


My two favourites of all time: Robert De Niro and Meryl Streep in one movie: The Good House (based on the book by Ann Leary). Streep will play an alcoholic and De Niro her love interest. Is there anything better than Meryl and Robert reunited on the silver screen for the first time in fifteen years after the minuscule part Bob had in Marvin's Room? Plus, big big big big plus: they will play lovers. Nothing is better, my life is complete, I can rest in peace by now.

Meryl Streep and Robert De Niro in Falling in Love

Some are happy about it, others are sick of seeing her (lovely) face appearing on their television at least three times a week, but Hollywood isn't and Meryl Streep is unstoppable. 
There was only one time I heard Meryl Streep say an untruth: in her Oscars speech when she said it'd be the last time she'd be standing up there. If you're reading this, Meryl, (which she probably isn't but I just like the thought of addressing this to her) believe me, it won't be the last time, so get used to being honored and rehonored and rererererehonored like a goddess. 

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