zaterdag 9 augustus 2014

Meryl Streep and Don Gummer

Meryl Streep and Don Gummer

My mature mind doesn't allow me to even think of using the term "Strummer". Oops. Too late. I can just imagine how your eyes are glittering, how a cheeky smile appears on your face and you slowly start grinning thinking of the fact that I devoted a whole post to my favourite couple of all time: The Gummers. How immature of me. Worse is: I don't even care! Ha! Ladies (and gentlemen?)... Enjoy ! 

                                      Academy Awards 1979

Once my grandmother asked me, when I -yet again- started talking about Meryl Streep, to whom she was actually married. "Don Gummer, he's not famous , an artist,  and they are married for over thirty years now!" I replied proudly, as if it were my own accomplishment. As if Meryl Streep was my daughter and I the proud mother. And of course, I couldn't help it but mention how a beautiful relationship they have and she said: "but it could be all played." No, grandma. No. No no no no. My immature mind doesn't allow me to let you think that. 
                                Academy awards 2014 

There are two stories I read about how Meryl and Don met:
1- they met through Streep's brother (Harry the 3rd). Don came to Meryl's apartment to make it soundproof and of course completely fell for the ever gorgeous, young and beautiful Mary Louise Streep and after three months married her. 
2- Gummer, a friend of Harry's,  saved Streep from homelessness and let her use his apartment while he was going on a motor trip through Europe and Asia. They stayed in touch and through letters he, of course, completely fell in love with the ever gorgeous, young and beautiful Mary Louise Streep. But, during his journey got injured and had to return to the States. Why letting her go, he probably thought. So he married her. 

Agreed, the first option is way more obvious and the second one is probably made up by some romantico's. Yet, I still love telling this story to friends, it's like a film scenario. I think we all agree that we should make a film out of their lives. Don Gummer has already confessed he would like Daniel Day Lewis to portray him. Of course, who else should he take to play him in a biopic but the three-time oscar winner Daniel Day Lewis ? 


                                  Academy awards 2013

After three decades, four gorgeous and talented children, paparazzi, wrinkles and age we still see Meryl Streep escorted to Award ceremonies by her lovely husband Don. What we have discovered through speeches and interviews is that Meryl Streep isn't Meryl Streep at home. She's a wife and mother and they don't care who she is at work, at award shows or in the press. To Don, she is the woman (I desperately hope) he loves, and to Mamie, Henry, Louisa and Grace she is just their beloved mother. They have arguments and fights, they have family dinners and movie nights. Weirdly enough, she isn't a goddess, as we all thought, and lives a very normal life. Yes, I can understand your confusion, but I guess that's exactly one of the reasons I / we love her. 

       The Gummer kids - Henry Wolfe, Louisa Jacobson, Grace Jane, Mary Willa (Mamie)

"The man that I love is so completely a part of my body. He's related, he's home, he's me, he is everything." ~ Mary Louise Gummer

"You've never considered yourself a star, you get mad and correct the press if they call you that, but you are, and not only in your work, you are the star that lightens my existence."  ~ Donald J. Gummer

"He's the reason I draw breath." ~ Mary Louise Gummer 

"The greatest break in my life was when I met my husband, Don Gummer. There is no question in my mind about that." ~ Mary Louise Gummer 

Now, melt. Cry, sob, faint, have a temporary nervous breakdown / heart attack and breathing problems because anyone could say anything he'd want; I shall never doubt Meryl and Don's love for each other. So grandma, never ever ask again if it is "all played". Because even if it was (which I highly doubt), my immature mind doesn't want to know it. 

                                    Academy Awards 2012 

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