donderdag 14 augustus 2014

Who is Kate Gulden?

Who is Katherine - Kate - Gulden? 

I'd like to talk about my favourite movie/ book character with you: Kate Gulden, from One True Thing. Her husband, George and their daughter Ellen Gulden had always thought of her as a "simple" woman. The one you couldn't share the deep thoughts and conversations with. To George, she was the light in house, the lovable woman he would tease, he had flings with other women and shared his thoughtful conversation with others, sometimes his daughter. To Ellen, they were too different. She was a simple woman, and everything she had done had always been so naturally. Until she wasn't able to do it anymore.

When Kate got ill, Ellen returned home to take care of her, mostly because her father had asked her to, and she wanted to proof that she wasn't heartless as he had said.  But as she takes care of her mother, does the housekeeping, she realizes how tiring leading her mother's life is. It isn't as naturally as she always thought. Her mother isn't as simple as she thought. She has a complex personality, and it's only now, little time before her death, that she gets to know the real Kate Gulden. Which was at the beginning a difficult, stiff and distant relation ship became a close bond. The real deep thoughts could be discussed with her mother, she might even have learned the most useful thing Ellen has learned in her whole life, something that even her father she had admired, couldn't learn her. Kate learned her to be happy with what you have, instead of yearning for what you don't.

I will always admire Kate in a way. Once my best girlfriend told me: "Sally, you talk about those film characters as if they were real people. You'd never say: "Meryl Streep in The Hours", you'd say "Clarissa Vaughan"" and she's got it right on it. 
I will admire Kate for her light, her joy, her smile, her laughters, her positive look at the world. I will admire Kate for what she has been through. I will admire Kate for the inspiring things she has said. I don't admire Meryl Streep in One True Thing, I admire Kate Gulden. 

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